Viet Nam


Viet Nam achieved REDD+ Readiness early on, with support from developing partners including the UN-REDD Programme’s National Programme for Viet Nam. Since then, the REDD+ Strategy (National REDD+ Action Programme), approved in 2017, has been under implementation and is expected to undergo updating of its Annex Policies and Measures for the next decade. Viet Nam has also undergone submission and revision of the FRL and completion of a NFMIS that incorporates information on safeguards.

In 2021, Viet Nam submitted its MRV results through its 3rd Biennial Update Report and Technical annex on REDD+ and is undergoing the technical assessment process under the UNFCCC. According to the available MRV data against the FRL, Viet Nam has made significant progress that may be rewarded through RBPs.


Forest solutions realised. Anticipated deliverables related to the project, Integrated Sustainable Landscape Management through Deforestation-free Jurisdiction, in Lam Dong and Dak Nong and broader engagement with potential actors faced prolonged delays due to a new ODA decree with a complex national and sub-national approval process. This has been recognized by development partners as the main bottleneck to start the implementation for several other projects.

study is ongoing and expected to deliver recommendations to promote timber supply chains that limit the impact of tree plantations on natural forests. This is based on the review and analysis of forest and land use and drivers of land conversion and forest degradation, with focus on smallholders and small and medium enterprises.

Technical advice from the Programme resulted in the conceptualization of a project proposal for submission to the LEAF Coalition, its acceptance and the eventual signing of a Letter of Intent between Viet Nam and Emergent.

A gap assessment was conducted specifically against the ART-TREES standards and requirements, including on carbon accounting (MRV), safeguards and legal arrangements. The process assisted Viet Nam in the submission and acceptance of a Concept Note to ART-TREES and the identification of strategic recommendations for Viet Nam to access RBPs through the LEAF Coalition.


With the timely launch of the LEAF Coalition’s Call for Proposal and Viet Nam’s confirmed interest, the focus of UN-REDD TA support shifted significantly to meet deadlines and requirements. As a result, other areas of work met delays. By the end of 2021, most activities were substantively delivered, but with several remaining actions to bring to conclusion.

The new ODA decree contributed to significant delays for some of the deliverables, but noteworthy are ongoing political efforts carried out by in-country UN-REDD agencies to support its finalization and resolution.


Gender considerations are being incorporated into the study on timber supplychains’ impact on plantations, such as assessing the supply chains’ engagement of women.

Building on the lessons and gender analysis from UN-REDD Programme support, the EU-funded project in the Central Highlands incorporated gender indicators in its results framework, as well as ensured relevant project activities reflect gender considerations.


UN-REDD is providing support to the government, ensuring that the government widely consults stakeholders, including REDD+ partners. This has been particularly important in the process for the LEAF proposal development. In addition, UN-REDD is working in coordination with JICA, the main provider of technical support in REDD+ and the agency proposed to take on the accredited agency role under the GCF RBPs. UN-REDD continues to coordinate with partners under the EU-funded project for the Central Highlands.


Viet Nam is a partner in the NDC support programme and in the partnership for the 2030 Agenda. Results from the Programme are expected to contribute to the achievement of the country’s objectives in relation to SDGs 5, 13 and 15, among others.